Pattern Review: Simplicity C2010

Psssst!  This blog post (and the full-sized photos) moved:


You do it.  I do it.  We all do it: wipe our hands on the front of our clothes.  You know, maybe they’re clean but wet.  Anywho, that’s a bad habit.  Especially in the kitchen.  Enter (da-da!) the half-apron.

Simplicity C2010 apron diy apron

Why did I sew this?

1. It’s not like a full apron makes sense these days.  I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a stain cooking.  But now, I can quickly dry my hands and I have a space for my iPhone.  That means listening to podcasts all over the house.

2. The pattern is one of those 97 cent Simplicity SewSimple envelopes.  This kind of pattern typically has only one weird, vaguely boxy pattern.  The apron, however, was exactly what I wanted: cute, flattering, simple:Simplicity c2010 apron diy apron pattern


Sewing this item was my first try at:

  1. using double-fold bias binding
  2. gathering
  3. flat-out ignoring directions to slip stitch

1. For the bias binding, it wasn’t bad at all.  I ended up moving my needle in a bit and then just lining the edge up with the foot:

Moved the needle over to 4.5.

Moved the needle over to 4.5.

bias binding with zipper foot on brother cs6000i

Then lined everything up with 5/8″ mark.

2. The gather went ok.  I used the standard zigzag-over-a-cord method.  It was slowgoing because I kept worrying the cording would get stitched.  Also, I accidentally sewed cording the whole way instead of just between the notches.  (Only gathered between the notches, don’t worry!!)

Simplicity c2010 apron I gathered with cord, but overshot

3. I didn’t love-love the width of the band and am liable to change it.  So I just stitched it down for safekeeping.  It doesn’t look bad, no?

Simplicity c2010 apron diy apron pattern


Notes on the directions:

1) The yardage requirement was criminal.  They called only for 45″ fabric–implying that 60″ fabric would not need any less.  Turned out it only needed 3/4 yd of fabric!  This is an example of a “cheap” pattern being ultimately expensive.  But now I have enough leftovers to make my perfect apron.

Simplicity c2010 apron diy apron pattern

Lies, lies!

2) A small complaint: they never used the pattern piece numbers in the directions.  That’s not standard and kinda weird.

3) On Step 3, where they tell you to pin the pocket to the apron, do it.  It might be tempting to not pin.  You’d regret it.

photo 4-4

Do it. Don’t be a slacker.

4)  You tell me, which of these symbols need to be copied onto the wrong side of the fabric??  Now, in hindsight, I realize one could guess which are the right ones.    (Hint: two out of three.  Here’s the answer key.)  I was, however, peeved to have to pull the pattern pieces back out and add the marks.IMG_2875


5) I went ahead and sewed two channels for the pockets.  I think it’s an easy way to give this high-traffic garment a fighting chance at longevity.  Just stitch once on each side of the stitching line.

reinforced diy apron pockets

Like they say: an extra row in time saves nine… Right?


I’ve replaced my 3-point-turn pictures with this little animation?  What do you guys think??

simplicity apron sewing pattern C2010 diy apron


Of course, no one really needs a pattern to sew up a decent apron.   I just really wanted to sew one exactly following the directions.  Now I can confidently design my own world-changing version.

Does anyone else do this: sew up a garment you know you’re not crazy about because you want to go through the motions of constructing it?  But with the plan all along to just do a better one afterwards?  Please.  I need to know if this is normal.

Kisses and stitches,


P.S.  Those are Simplicity 1430 shorts in the pic. 

About Ruthie

I sew.
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7 Responses to Pattern Review: Simplicity C2010

  1. Laura says:

    I’m clumsy as anything, so I like the splatter-proof covering of a full apron (or maybe a boiler suit), but I really like this.Oooh, I like! Also, practical – if you go out and keep your back to the wall at all times, you could pretend you’re wearing a skirt 🙂

  2. Erika says:

    I am more of a full-apron wearing girl. I instantly saved a good amount of shirts once I started wearing one because I splatter food all over myself when I cook and wash dishes apparently. Love the look of this one though and I have even contemplated trying it out a few times when browsing the cheap patterns at Walmart. I like your three pint animation, very original. 🙂

  3. Ebi Poweigha says:

    I absolutely try out “meh” patterns to learn something new! It’s cheaper than sewing class, and sometimes you get the surprise of a make you really, really like (and get a lot of use from). Cute apron, too. 🙂 And looooove the ani-gif!

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